· The recently released Android Lollipop update is Google’s most important OS upgrade in recent years, bringing users a completely new design language as well as many new features. · Most of my incoming texts show: Shows (No subject - message size 1KB - Expires AM Apr 10) When I tap on it, Failed to download - try again later and fails everytime I retry even though other texts topfind247.cos: 6. · I just got a Galaxy Note 8 yesterday. I am getting a bunch of texts that say "No Subject" and then, when I click, i get a message that the message could not be downloaded. Some were from group texts and some were not. Some were from people with iPhones and some from people with Androids. Is ther.
The system messages include stack traces when the device throws an error, and messages written from all apps with the Log class. The ZIP file contains a topfind247.co metadata file that contains the Android release letter, and when systrace is enabled, the ZIP file also contains a topfind247.co file. I have been constantly getting "No Subject" errors whenever I get a message, and I also can't send or receive photos. I got the S7 edge for my birthday from my uncle who doesn't use it. Here's the new Messenger app from Lollipop. While designed for release with Android , the leaked Google Messenger app actually works just fine with KitKat. Join us as we take a look at the new.
No subject means that they didn’t type in a subject. There is no issue with this. If the sender and message body is there, then 9 times out of 10 everything is fine. I get no subject emails all the time, and send them every now and then too. Galaxy S Hello, I am receiving certain text messages with a box that states "No Subject", the next line shows "Message Size" and the third line shows "Expires" with a date exactly 48 hours after the text was sent. I did some research before this post and tried clearing the cache as several websites suggested along with rebooting the phone. More flexible sharing with family and friends. Multiple users for phones. If you forget your phone, you still can call any of your friends (or access any of your messages, photos etc.) by simply logging into another Android phone running Lollipop.